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Enric Roca, S.A. commercial department



Enric Roca, S.A.'s commercial department is at your disposal, if youhave any doubt, we are ready to provide appropriate advice regarding the choice of meat products and quantities to respond to your needs. At the same time we also provide, a highly professional order management service.

The quality and knowledge of the commercial department, it is much more important than it may seem, as it directly affects the satisfaction of companies that use or sell meat products of Enric Roca, offering a close deal and a large involvement in each order.

Daily, we make the distribution of large amounts of trays of meat to the whole Catalonia, in a way that ensures a fresh, top quality product, and transport of the product is the service that provides Enric Roca with every order.

Also, if you wish, quality and health certifications that should have any business sector, are ready available to our customers. making possible to check and verify the assurance that Enric Roca, S. A., respects all the standarts established for the food sector.


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